Sunday, March 13, 2022

Russia Vs Ukraine

When the Days starts/ End as normal for many people across, things happening in Ukraine is so breaking.

So many families have lost the near / dear ones and as i write this i am watching the news where a family is leaving Ukraine , kids / wife is leaving and the young man is left behind as he is now allowed to leave the country.

When there is  huge politics of power surfacing between Russia/ Western Countries/ NATO alliance, it is very hard to decode but it is very explicit.

This is 17th day , literally it is a failure to Russia as it has to use so many forces on such a small country Ukraine.

The long queue at railway stations / desserted streets / bombed buildings/ injured soldiers.

Need huge voice from the world community to stop this WAR.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Farming - Day 80 (Veggies)- Insect Trap

August 17- Farming - Day 80- -

After contacting many people, we were adviced about this fruit traap. It is simple to make and hang around.

I see good catch in the first day itself. will keep posted on how to make this trap separately.



Farming - Day 77 Insect Attack

 August 10 - Day 77 - 

Our excitement of harvest was defeated by the insects that are attacking our vegetables.

we have not used any Chemical pest and we have only used some neemwater etc. 


#ChemicalFreeFarming   #InsectAttack.


Friday, July 10, 2020

Farming 4 - Climbers 10 the Day

July 3rd:
After we have dismantled the poultry farm now, we wanted to use the post and the 4000 sqft. So we initially planned many things but for time being we  wated to try some climbers.

So we have now planted some seeds of climbers and this is the status at the 10th day. we are able to see they are growing good.

Farming 3- Seeds 1st stage

June 18:

Today it is 2nd day and the seeds has been doing good. we are able to see small sprouts coming up !!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Farming 2- Ploughing

16 June - As monsoon started ontime and the rains were sufficient to go for ploughing. Actually the plan was to remove weeds manually but it was long time that we have did ploughing and sowed some crops inside.

This time as i was around, it is helping my dad for some (hard) decissions. I stressed to sow seeds for manure.
The plan is to sow the seeds and again plough them back after 45- 60 days which will actually build good manure..

let us see the progress

date: 17 June 2020

Farming 1 - Letting off go

16 th June.
This is a structure of 4000 Square feet poultry farm, which was not used for long time. It was a hard decision to dismantle. But now we planned to remove only the Wood and leave the structure (Post) without dismantling.

some of the ideas that we plan to do is use this concrete floor for vermicomposting, livestock shed or put steel structures on phased manner. let us see what happens