The word week end has actually has burried in my mind to take a lean excuse on things that i am focusing across. Today inspite of getting out of sleep @ 4.30 AM i stepped out of bed at 6.30 AM only and all my thoughts were running around to plug in the excuse to stay away from my routines and this happened all day. Not much of productive across. So need to plan it at least when i am alone.
Day 8: 13- Feb-Monday
It was the beginnng of the week and now i wanted to make sure that the plan works for five days and as planned i woke up @ 4.30 AM and moved out of bed by 5.30 AM.
I am seeing the pattern of waking up and coming out of bed is consuming considerable amount of time. So need to work out to remove this time lag here. So now i have planned to measure this too..
But both days there was amazing morning stills from the nature.