I have been hearing of what is happening in the IT companies with related to the Job sacking, i have even witnessed the same for few of my friends in my and other orgainsations.
1.There is no notice issued to the employers about the firing.
2.If the employee is present in the office all the credentials are first blocked
3.The access to the office is completely removed.
4.A phone call is given from the HR to contact them.
5.They give him a piece of paper about for the removal from the payroll.
6.All the financial settlements which have been already prepared are handed over to him along with his experience certificate.
7.A final good bye from them
In few cases the initial entry to the office itself denied by removing the credentials of the acess card and the security office or the front office informs them to contact the HR.
it is so sad for someone who have contributed sincerely in his past tenure , nothing have been considered just through a simple phone call everything gets over.
Thank You...this has helped me more than anything in understanding allowing. I kept thinking what am I not getting, why am I not allowing.
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