Thursday, March 19, 2020

Covid19 - Where we are ?

                  I trust that this will be the first impact that alteast 2-3 generations would have seen for the First time. Todays Speech of the  PrimeMinister resonates the need of the Hour. 

             Today is March 19 and India is fighting to contain the Covid 19 to stay on Stage 2 and not move to Next Stage. As a country with 130 crores of population it is important to contain this in Stage 2 only. If it moves to Stage III then it will become endless for us.

             The awareness levels is improving at urban / metro as there is more Import cases. But still the rural india is on its own pace with many opinion on the virus, treatment etc. Hope the Upcoming days will level this gap.

Stages of Pandemic:

How Fast it Spreads?


                       Kindly see the graph on the left side, you can see the spike is very steep. The rate on which it is moving is very high. I still remember there was many fun on the name of this virus against the famous Beer Corona. Those were days when people were not aware of the impact and were considering it to be a problem for china alone, but as the days moved across the scenarios changed.
                      I see there is complete Global Lock down , many airports are shut, restrictions to fly, Mass gatherings are stopped and all this is to ensure that that Spike comes down and diminshes quickly

Global Situation:

Observation - 
Europe is More affected and there is complete Lock out 

India Situation:

 I consider people are not yet prepared for the complete Lock out and not fully serious and sensational about this Issue. When many people are reacting there are still incidents that are happening on the mass gathering by Political Parties,Functions, Agitation etc. It is now very important to maintain the social distancing(New term).

Still clinical trails are in progress and no official news in the WHO / Govt of India.

 News Sources:


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